Billing & insurance information for Patients

Feel free to contact our specialist to find out more about prices and services. We are always ready to answer your questions.

Pay Bill Online (Coming Soon)
Billing Practices

How to submit your billing information

Please provide Bayside Laboratories with the necessary information to file a claim with your insurance carrier. The filing instructions will vary by the type of insurance you have.

If you would like us to file with your primary insurance company, please fill out the form below:

Medicare & Medicaid

Bayside Laboratories accepts as full payment 100% of Medicare’s and Medicaid’s allowed amount for a test.

Third Party Insurance Carrier

If we are in-network with your insurance plan, you will be held responsible for the co-insurance and the deductible amounts as determined by your insurance. In the event that we are out-of-network with your insurance, we will accept what they determine as the customary fee.

Secondary Insurance

If there is a secondary insurance that supplements your primary coverage, all claims will be filed with your secondary carrier with the necessary information provided.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Billing Information

Paying Your Bill
We currently accept check or money order only, payable to Bayside laboratories. Mail your payment to 4557 Bell Blvd, Bayside NY 11361
Our Billing Process
Upon submission of complete and accurate insurance information, we will submit a bill to the insurance carrier on your behalf. Once the bill is submitted to the insurance company, we will wait 3-4 weeks for a response.
Incorrect Information
In the instance that Bayside Laboratories does not have the complete or correct billing information, we will send a bill for the full amount to the address on file.
No Response from Insurance
Once the bill is submitted to the insurance company, we will wait 3-4 weeks for a response. In the instance that we receive no response, you may receive a bill from Bayside Laboratories for charges for services rendered. This is to avoid any possible timely filing issues with your insurance carrier.

Insurances we accept

We welcome all major insurance plans! Please call us if you have a specific question about your insurance provider.

1199 National Benefit Fund

Emblem Health (out of network)
Empire Blue Cross HealthPlus - Amerigroup
Empire Plan United Healthcare
Great West Healthcare
Healthcare Partnership
Locals & Unions - Multiplan Network
Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Illinois
Coventry Healthcare Network
Emblem Health (out of network)
Empire Blue Cross HealthPlus - Amerigroup
Empire Plan United Healthcare

Request Information

Feel free to contact our specialist to find out more about prices and services. We are always ready to answer your questions.

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